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EcolChange blog archives

Congratulations – Martin Zobel 60!

Autor: Lauri Laanisto

A week ago, academician, and the professor of Plant ecology in the University of Tartu, and also one the team leaders in EcolChange, Martin Zobel, celebrated his 60th birthday. All the best wishes to him!

Incidentally, his seminal paper about species pool: “The relative of species pools in determining plant species richness: an alternative explanation of species coexistence?” (link to full text) was published in TREE exactly 20 years ago. So, back then he was 40. It´s his most cited first author paper, which to this day gets nearly 50 new citations annually.

And on a personal note – this text is the most influencial for me. It has more or less set the ground rules to what and how I have been studying stuff. Thanks!


i don´t know for sure but that picture of MZ is probably taken around late 1990s