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EcolChange blog archives

Blogyear summary 2017

Autor: Lauri Laanisto

Today a year ago we started this blog (with the accompanying Twitter account). So it´s time to sum up our first year of blogging.

Some general stats. We published 69 posts written by 21 different authors, and had 1500 unique visitors with a bit more than 2700 clicks, coming from 63 countries and territories. Our blog has around 150 followers, mostly through Twitter.

The most popular post from last year was written by Kersti Riibak, about her dispersal limitation and dark diversity associations paper in Journal of Biogeography. The topical range covered in this blog ranged from fungal taxonomy to macroecological mechanics, from fundamental to applied sciences.

As the number of papers published annually by the members of EcolChange Centre of Excellence would need new blog posts every couple of days, we will probably focus mainly on the studies that feel more important, and bulk together studies in order to cover some speciefic topics. Otherwise the backlog of unblogged papers will crush us…

A Business Men Climbing a Pile of Papers

pic from here