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Seminaride teateid jälgi EcolChange meililistist, blogist ja veebist

DarkDivNet2019 workshop

DarkDivNet2019 workshop, töötoa veebileht
November 20 - 23, 2019
Tartu, Estonia

Tippkeskuse doktorantide aastakonverents, 12. novembril 2019, Voore puhkekeskuses

09:30 Tervituskohv

09:45 - 10:00 Konverentsi avasõnad

10:00 - 10:30 Fakte tipkkeskusest EcolChange 2019 Ülo Niinemets

10:30 - 12:00 Uurimisrühmade tegevused - uurimisrühmade tipphetked 2019

Töörühmade ettevalmistus: gruppide moodustamine ja kogunemine 

12:00 – 13:00 Lõuna

13:00 - 16:00 Töörühmade sessioonid (parallelselt kõik töörühmad)


16:00 - 17:30 Töörühmade tulemuste esitamine 

Päeva kokkuvõte, kerge õhtusöök

Konverentsi töökeeleks on inglise keel. Rohkem infot konverentsi kohta saab siit

Tippkeskuse EcolChange ja botaanika osakonna, TÜ, doktorantide aastakonverents, 6.-7.12.2018 Kubija

Lisainfo: Kersti Püssa, kersti.pussa@ut.ee


9.00                    Bus from Vanemuise Theatre lower parking lot   

10.30-11.00        Coffee 

11.00-11.10        Meelis Pärtel     

11.10-11.30        Siim-Kaarel Sepp              Does the fungus matter? Non-random association in an arbuscular mycorrhizal network

11.30-11.50        Kaarin Parts                      Fine Root System Acclimations Before Dieback with Artificial and Geothermal Soil  Warming

11.50-12.10        Thomas Schindler            Flooding induced Greenhouse gas dynamics from soil to tree level in a grey alder forest

12.10-12.30        Mohit Masta                     Partitioning N2O Fluxes

12.30-12.50        Kaie Kriiska                      Variation in annual carbon fluxes affecting the SOC pool in hemiboreal coniferous forests in Estonia

12.50-14.00        Lunch   

14.00-14.20        Diego Trindade                The species pool comedy: is the dark diversity a purgatory for species under global  change

14.20-14.40        Madli Jõks                        Saared ja simulatsioonid - mida nad meile õpetavad?

14.40-15.00        Elisabeth Prangel             Effects of grassland habitat loss on selection of ecosystem services

15.00-15.20        Tanel Vahter                     Manipulating the below ground for above ground diversity - application of AM fungi in vegetation restoration

15.20-15.40        Kati Küngas                     Specificity in plant-endophyte interactions

15.40-16.00        Coffee

16.00-16.20        Kaia Kask                        Hey, plant! What's your secret?

16.20-16.40        Liisa Kübarsepp               Microscale responses to environmental variables in plants

16.40-17.00        Anton Savchenko             Systematics of early-diverged Dacrymycetes (Basidiomycota, Fungi)

17.00-17.20        Mari Pent                          Ectomycorrhizal or saprotrophic - does it matter for bacteria inhabitin mushrooms?

17.20-17.40        Annika Meitern                  Influences of xylem sap composition on water movement?

12.04.2018 Botaanika osakonna ja tippkeskuse EcolChange seminar / Seminar of Department of Botany and Centre of Excellence EcolChange

inglise keeles / in English

Inga Jüriado

Relationships between mycobiont identity, photobiont specificity and ecological preferences in the genus Peltigera (Ascomycota)  

Neljapäeval, 12. aprillil 2018 kell 15.15/ Thursday, 12. April 2018 at 15.15

Tartus, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditoorium) / In Tartu, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditorium)

Inga Jüriado on Botaanika osakonna lihhenoloogia töörühma vanemteadur.

Koduleht: http://esamba.bo.bg.ut.ee/groups/et/wiki/892d8/Inga_Juriado.html   


Lichen symbioses always include at least one primary fungal symbiont, the mycobiont, and one or more photosynthetic partners, the photobionts (algae and/ or cyanobacteria). Although community scale patterns of photobiont diversity are most likely influenced by the environment, few molecular studies have so far addressed ecological segregation between closely related lichen photobionts. To find possible correlations between habitat specificity and photobiont selectivity photobiont diversity in Peltigera from different habitat types and growing on different substrates was compared. It is hypothesized that the cyanobacterial photobionts are not randomly distributed along the complex environmental gradient, but that their distributions correlate primarily with the species identities of host fungi and also with growth conditions.

Inga Jüriado is senior researcher in the team of lichenology at the Department of Botany.

Web page: http://esamba.bo.bg.ut.ee/groups/et/wiki/892d8/Inga_Juriado.html   


Järgmised seminarid / Next seminars: https://botany.ut.ee


Lisainfo / Additional information: Maarja Öpik, maarja.opik@ut.ee


21.09.2017 Tippkeskuse EcolChange konverents: globaalmuutuste ökoloogia looduslikes- ja põllumajanduskooslustes

Tippkeskuse iga-aastasel ülevaate konverentsil tutvustame tehtud teadustööd.

Konverestsile ootame osalema tippkeskuse liikmeid.


AEG: NELJAPÄEV, 21. september 2017, algus kell  13.00

KOHT: Tartu, OMICUM (Riia 23b, Tartu)



13.00 – 13.30 KOGUNEMINE JA KOHV

13.30 – 14.00 ÜLO NIINEMETS – Centre of Excellence EcolChange – Ecology of Global Change: natural

and managed ecosystems

14.00 – 14.30 MEELIS PÄRTEL – Diversity of symbiotic fungi amid global change

14.30 – 15.00 ÜLO MANDER – Nitrous oxide emission in organic soils: The global approach

15.00 – 15.30 KOHVIPAUS

15.30 – 16.00 TIINA TOSENS – Adaptations and ecosystem diversity: it all starts from chloroplasts

16.00 – 16.30 LEHO TEDERSOO – Highlights of research on biotic interactions within the Centre of

Excellence framework


NB! Aeg muutunud!

TÜ Botaanika osakonna ja tippkeskuse EcolChange seminar / Seminar of Department of Botany and Centre of Excellence EcolChange

Neljapäeval, 16. veebruaril 2017 kell 15.15/ Thursday, 16. February 2017 at 15.15

Tartus, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditoorium) / In Tartu, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditorium)

Marju Himma, teema: teaduse populariseerimine.


Seoses Leila Pazouki doktoritöö kaitsimisega viibib tippkeskuse EcolChange külalisena Eestis ja peab seminari prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, (German Research Center for Environmental Health)

Loeng - seminar toimub Eesti Maaülikoolis 17.jaanuaril kell 11.15, Kreutzwaldi 5 (Metsamaja), aud.D143. Teema teatame 2017.a. algul.


TÜ Botaanika osakonna ja tippkeskuse EcolChange seminar / Seminar of Department of Botany and Centre of Excellence EcolChange


Aveliina Helm "Restoration of Estonian alvar grasslands: methods, results and challenges"

Neljapäeval, 24. novembril 2016 kell 15.15/ Thursday, 24. November 2016 at 15.15

Tartus, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditoorium) / In Tartu, Lai 40-218 (Vaga auditorium)


Action plan for Estonian semi-natural habitats foresees the restoration of 5000 hectares of alvar grasslands by 2020. Half of this aim will be met within a project "LIFE to Alvars", during which 2500 hectares of most valuable alvar grasslands in Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhu will be restored by 2019. I'll provide overview of the progress of restoration activities within the project, discuss the restoration methods and challenges and introduce the first results of extensive biodiversity monitoring that accompanies restoration.


Aveliina Helm on Botaanika osakonna makroökoloogia töörühma vanemteadur. Aveliina Helm is senior researcher in macroecology workgroup at the Department of Botany.


Lisainfo / Additional information: Maarja Öpik, maarja.opik@ut.ee maarja.opik@ut.ee> maarja.opik@ut.ee>